Your Experiences

“My daughter has grown in so many positive ways, she has become a confident and caring person. Knowing she is a valued member of a loving community where she can express herself without feeling the odd one out, as she has felt most of her life at home, trying so hard to fit into a life that does not understand her.”

Mrs Curtis ⎸ Who’s daughter has been with us since 2021

Your Experiences

“As the parents of a learning disabled energetic and happy daughter Glasallt Fawr Camphill Centre has been the answer to our hopes and dreams.

We have always held the opinion that in spite of the unique needs of children like Rosalind they should be provided with the opportunity to live as independently as possible in a safe environment and thus to leave home after finishing at school or other full time education. Rosalind had seen her 3 elder siblings leave home and seemed to understand that this is what happened. We hold this opinion because too often we had seen that those with special needs who continued to live at home quickly  became totally dependent on their parents and when eventually the parents found that they were unable to cope the sudden changes forced upon them became extremely traumatic and difficult for both parents and their son or daughter. 

After Rosalind had spent a happy 4 years in a live-in Camphill College that could only cater for students up to the age of 25 we were getting desperate to find a follow-on residential farm based care home for her where she could live with others in a rural community that offered opportunities to help in the gardens and farm and which offered a range of craft based activities and meaningful work opportunities where she could contribute to the best of her abilities and thereby gain a feeling of wellbeing and fulfilment through making a meaningful contribution. It took us 18 months but with help from Social Services and our Local Authority we found Glasallt Fawr Camphill Community and fell in love with everything about it, and after a few initial hiccups so did Rosalind! 

After  living for many years at Glasallt Fawr Rosalind has established a wonderful life for herself there and is always happy to return to her busy life there and to see her friends gain after a home visit or holiday with us. Ros has limited speech but as we drive her back over the cattle grid and up the driveway she always claps her hands and gives a big smile and rushes to see which of her favourite support workers are on duty and to greet them and her house mates with a Hello and a hug.

She loves the many social events and outings, working on the farm and with the animals, especially at lambing time! She is an enthusiastic worker in the gardens and loves bringing grown produce back into the house where she and other residents help with preparation of the meals and cleaning duties. Rosalind lives in a mixed house of 12 residents split between two floors, all having similar support needs. Each resident has their own room, and Rosalind loved choosing the colour of hers when recently it was redecorated. The house manager and support staff are all brilliant and work so hard at making life for the residents a fulfilling and happy one.


We could not ask for a better place for Rosalind to live and each time we leave her there she waves us goodbye and as we drive away in the beautiful surroundings of the Brecon Beacons we say to each other how lucky and happy we are that we have found the ideal place for our daughter to live.”

Mike & Caroline

Your Experiences

My daughter has been a resident at Glasallt Fawr for 13 years, since st he age of 21. She has complex needs requiring much psychological support, as well as  help with practical needs. Glasallt Fawr provides a glorious environment in which young people with all sorts of needs can flourish. My daughter lives within a community which encourages her to fulfil her potential without stress. As a family we are also supported with open communication and a management team which treat us all as a family. I can think of no better place in which to entrust the ongoing care of my vulnerable daughter,  a community in which she can be safe, happy and confident.